
Showing posts from March, 2021

Entertainment Media and Education

Entertainment media is often criticized for being overly addictive and time-consumer that drains valuable mental energy, leaving the viewers psychologically barren when it comes to real life activity. Sadly, there are indeed more than a few validity to such arguments. Despite of such censures, this media had often come up with ways to include knowledgeable materials for it's purposes as well. Here we will be looking at a few of the examples across various forms of media. For simplicity, this article shall mainly observe the contents that engage audiences by putting priority in their adaptive narratives. That means documentaries, biographies and reality shows that are made for the explicit purposes exploring a particular subject, shall not be included. Movies: For a long time, history was a major inspiration for movie-makers. Though their accuracies had often been unavoidably questionable, there are some that did deliver their stories within a more meticulous narrative. Tora Tora To